Care After dental extraction

Care After dental extraction

Proper care required after dental extraction. Normally first 24 hrs are
important for the heeling of extraction wound. Dental extraction area should
not be disturbed, if disturbed then the clotting will take time & slow the healing
Spitting / Rinsing the mouth / Brushing / Sucking the extraction area/Touching
the area with tongue/ eating hot & solid food / drinking or smoking should be
avoided for first 24-48 hrs to increase the healing process.
If proper precaution has not been taken by the patient, then high likelihood of
dry socket complication can occur. Main reason behind the dry socket is blood
has been not clotted properly or same has been disturbed.
Wisdom teeth are the last teeth in mouth. Sometimes there are not enough
room in the mouth to for wisdom tooth to move in right position. In this
condition it might break the gums at an angle & come partially. This
phenomenon is called impacted wisdom teeth & cause pain & infection. High
likelihood of food impaction is on wisdom tooth.

Processor Photograph

Woman patient at dentist
Dr. Nivedita's Dental & Implant Centre

We are committed to provide individual care for every patient, as we
understand every patient requires different treatments.

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