Braces & Aligners (Ortho Treatment)

Braces & Aligners (Ortho Treatment)

Dental braces/aligners are the tools that use to align / strengthen the teeth to
retain its natural correct position. Braces are used to correct misaligned tooth
overcrowded teeth, misplaced teeth, uneven teeth, or any set of teeth that’s
not functionally properly or aesthetically nice.
The main advantage of braces/aligners treatment is to improve facial
appearance & person feels more confident aesthetically. Braces are mostly
useful in below conditions.
1) Misaligned or asymmetrical teeth.
2) Cooked tooth
3) Overbite
4) Open bite
5) Reverse bite
6) Deep bite
7) Underbite
8) Overcrowded tooth
Braces/Aligner work by taking advantage of the teeth’s ability to shift and
move whenever there’s a gap present, if proper force applied in correct
direction. Braces/Aligners applies the correct forces on teeth in required
directions. Which enables the tooth to move in gap or correct position. When
teeth move in due course of time the bone also change shape with applied
Braces / Aligners treatment is the lengthy process & required pro-longed time
period for complete treatment. Our dentist will advise the time frame &
expected results on completion of treatment.

Procedure photo

WhatsApp Image 2023-07-16 at 6.15.57 PM (1)
Dr. Nivedita's Dental & Implant Centre

We are committed to provide individual care for every patient, as we
understand every patient requires different treatments.

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